Inet, Dornbirn (Austria)

inet – leading provider of global transport management systems – transformed an inescapable vision into reality. On 15 march 2012 the inet future office was opened in Dornbirn, Austria. It is equipped with Moboxo. The features of the environment-friendly and energy-efficient office building Quadra have been developed in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Working Economy and Organisation. A highly innovative and flexible work place design has been integrated. This work place design is based on the idea, that anytime any team member can choose a work place that matches his current tasks. There are concentration zones, communication zones and retreat zones in the building and principles like the clean desk policy but never such rigid structures like prescribed and fixed work places. We share this opinion concerning working economy and work place ergonomics. Each inet- employee operates his own Moboxo office box. All the office boxes are organised in cabinet wall units. When the employees start working they take their personal office box out of the cabinet wall. They are free to decide what might be the best work place to approach today’s tasks.


Moboxo at the inet future office

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